Wednesday, October 26, 2011
"I Go"
Henry put two words together today. "I go." He said it as he made a controlled fall off the toy shelf onto the couch. And then he did it five more times. I know I should have stopped him but it was really cute. He's very into "going." He uses that word a lot.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Its Been Awhile!
Things have been busy. Most of my free time the last few weeks has been spent on writing a research paper on autism for a grad class I'm taking. The paper came together really fast. Fastest twenty page paper I've ever written! Or so I thought until I went to print it out two hours before it was due. Somehow, I had written it in 14 point font. Suddenly my paper was down to 13 pages! After a brief period of freaking out, and a brief period of trying to add some things to the paper while wearing a screaming, hair-pulling Henry in the baby backpack and getting it up to fourteen and a half pages, I decided I had to just let it go. So I did and I turned it in and haven't thought a thing about it since.
NT has been busy running a science club at two elementaries, teaching an extra class, and taking the children on "walnut walks." A walnut walk is where you search the neighborhood for walnut trees, climb the trees, shake them, and collect the walnuts. We learned that walnut husks stain everything, including your skin. There's also a whole process to removing the husk, drying the nuts, etc. Somehow the washing machine has been put into use for this project.
Isn't this lovely? It's what I'm planning on getting at the end of walnut season.
Its only a mere 1k. I mean, think about all the money we're saving on walnuts!
Oli enjoys first grade. She even rides the bus. It's strange putting your child on a bus and watching it pull away. The first few days she looked a little panicked as it pulled away and yes, I did follow the bus to school on the first day. She did fine and doesn't seem to mind it. In fact, she has two older girls who watch out for her, which is very sweet.
Jake turned three though I think that deserves a post of its own. Coming soon!
Henry, oh Henry. I say that a lot. Henry is one busy boy! He's added some words to his vocabulary like, "oh geez" (his favorite thing to say), "Owie" (Oli), "mommy", "daddy", "eow" (meow, used for all animals), and "uh oh." He also body surfs but only after he's dumped something out (crayons, walnuts, whatever). He lays down in the crayon pile, waves his arms around, and rolls around in it while laughing. He keeps me on my toes, that's for sure!
NT has been busy running a science club at two elementaries, teaching an extra class, and taking the children on "walnut walks." A walnut walk is where you search the neighborhood for walnut trees, climb the trees, shake them, and collect the walnuts. We learned that walnut husks stain everything, including your skin. There's also a whole process to removing the husk, drying the nuts, etc. Somehow the washing machine has been put into use for this project.
Isn't this lovely? It's what I'm planning on getting at the end of walnut season.
Its only a mere 1k. I mean, think about all the money we're saving on walnuts!
Oli enjoys first grade. She even rides the bus. It's strange putting your child on a bus and watching it pull away. The first few days she looked a little panicked as it pulled away and yes, I did follow the bus to school on the first day. She did fine and doesn't seem to mind it. In fact, she has two older girls who watch out for her, which is very sweet.
Jake turned three though I think that deserves a post of its own. Coming soon!
Henry, oh Henry. I say that a lot. Henry is one busy boy! He's added some words to his vocabulary like, "oh geez" (his favorite thing to say), "Owie" (Oli), "mommy", "daddy", "eow" (meow, used for all animals), and "uh oh." He also body surfs but only after he's dumped something out (crayons, walnuts, whatever). He lays down in the crayon pile, waves his arms around, and rolls around in it while laughing. He keeps me on my toes, that's for sure!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Storing Up Warm Summer Memories
We have a picture book called, Gathering, by Betsy Bowen, that is read quite frequently around here. The family in the book has to store up warm summer memories for the cold winter. A few weeks ago, after jumping off the dock at my extended family's cabin, Oli said to me, "Mom, I'm storing up this memory for the cold winter!" So along the same lines, here are the memories of summer 2011.
State park camping is a great way to camp for families. You can sleep in a tent but there are also bathrooms, hot showers, water spigots, and wood that's already been chopped. Our kids loved camping. Even now, three months later, they still talk about going back to "our" campsite (which they even remember the campsite number of) and how they saw a waterfall.
There is just something so relaxing about sitting on the shore of Lake Superior, watching the waves, looking for agates, and feeling the sun on your face. It calls me back, year after year.
The birthdays of our two June babies are another highlight. Oli had some friends over for a "fairy house making" party. NT and Oli built some little houses out of wood and then the girls decorated them with moss, rocks, silk flowers, twigs, and little wooden objects we found at the craft store. It was so fun to see how the girls built their houses.
Here's Mr. One-der-ful on his birthday. We had chocolate banana cake and lots of hugs and kisses.
I wrote about it before but Olivia learned to ride her bike without training wheels which made for some fun late summer trips around town with the boys on the bike trailer. Just the other day, I was biking to the library with the boys in the trailer (Oli was already back at school) when I passed the carriage house we lived in the first year we lived here. There were many winter days when I stood with baby Oli looking out those carriage house windows (probably forlornly or maybe just bored) and as I rode my bike past the other day, I thought how funny it would be if I could have seen myself biking past five years later. I'm definitely not bored now!
And of course the garden. The garden is something that is dreamed about as soon as Christmas is over. The garden in Wisconsin went through an excellent period this summer (about two days long) when it was beautifully weeded. I'm definitely storing that memory up for the winter. There was some really good sweating, hoeing, and weed pulling done in high heat. Another warm memory. There was some good family togetherness with Jacob driving his trucks between rows, Oli asking a million questions, and Henry toddling around eating dirt and rocks.
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Picking strawberries in the backyard garden. |
More warm memories of Farm Island Lake and spending time with extended family who range in age from one to eighty-seven. We also spent a weekend in Pine City where the children swam to their heart's content.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Adjustment Period
Surrounded, as we are, by buildings owned by three different schools, our neighborhood feels something like a large, quiet park all summer long. We ride our bikes through empty parking lots and wander across grassy fields. But then, 9:00 a.m., on an August Tuesday rolls around, and suddenly there is a stream of cars rolling down the street. Cars doors open and slam shut, wheeled carts go rolling by, directions are given by cheerful college girls in purple shirts. Box fans, clear plastic bins, cases of bottled water are carried down the street. There are some tears, some laughter. By 6:00 p.m., there are 800 college freshman living across the street. Noisy cars, the campus bus, car doors, foot traffic, the smell of cigarette smoke. And then there's the first weekend where 800 19 year-olds have to find something fun to do on a Friday night. I'll let you imagine what that sounds like at 1:00 a.m.
Of course, fall brings it own adjustments anytime. Oli starts first grade. NT goes back to work. There are church groups and early childhood activities for Jacob and Henry. I should make out a house cleaning schedule. I should make a list of all the meals I like to cook and put them on a calendar so I don't have to look through cookbooks late in the afternoon. I should make an exercise schedule. And sign all the school forms. But I'm not feeling very ready for all this quite yet.
Of course, fall brings it own adjustments anytime. Oli starts first grade. NT goes back to work. There are church groups and early childhood activities for Jacob and Henry. I should make out a house cleaning schedule. I should make a list of all the meals I like to cook and put them on a calendar so I don't have to look through cookbooks late in the afternoon. I should make an exercise schedule. And sign all the school forms. But I'm not feeling very ready for all this quite yet.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
{pretty, happy, funny, real}
I haven't felt much like planning meals lately so 4 o'clock usually finds me trying to figure out something for dinner. Today I happened to take out a cookbook called, Savoring the Seasons of the Northern Heartland. I usually think of this cookbook as being a good winter cookbook as most of the recipes seem to require a lot of cooking but the weather's been cool this week. I found a recipe for Sarma, also known as stuffed cabbage rolls. We just picked a cabbage from the garden the other day (and there's at least ten more cabbages waiting for us) so I thought this would be great. It was tasty - I'll probably make it again. You blanche the cabbage leaves and then mix pork, rice and spices together, roll them up in the leaf, and then cook in a sauce of pureed tomatoes. We have tons of tomatoes growing right now too so this was a great fresh dish. We had a creamy cucumber salad on the side.
Eating blackcaps (wild black raspberries) at the garden. Every time we would hand him one, he would lean back and eat it.
These two...Oli and her friend J. When they were four, they were in childcare together for a parenting group at church and decided they were going to have a playdate. They've been friends ever since. On this day, they planned a wedding. I'm not exactly sure who was getting married but from my post in the kitchen I gathered it was a royal wedding with official proclamations, a wedding rock (which only they know the meaning of), piano music, singing, and decorations (note the decorated piano).
At the beginning of the summer, I imagined myself bike riding all over town with the boys in the bike trailer and Oli on her bike. I figured if we took the training wheels off, we would go much faster. This was about May. For a month, I tried holding onto the back of her bike while she would try to balance and ride. This got us nowhere. A friend of mine had read about taking the pedals off the bike to teach balance. So one night, NT took off the pedals and had her practice coasting and balancing. After about thirty minutes of this, he put the pedals back on, gave her a push and off she went. It was like magic! Our next obstacle, was starting up on the bike without a push. She was really afraid she was going to fall. One day I offered to pay her a dime every time she tried to start riding on her own. She tried and tried but just couldn't get it. Finally, last night, as NT and I were standing outside talking to some neighborhood friends, she did it!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Notes from the Garden
So far, in the middle of July, we have tons of green beans and are just getting our first cucumbers and onions. We have lots of tomatoes on the vine, though they are still green. The watermelon vines are just flowering.
We added a new super to the hives today. NT weighed the hives about two weeks ago by stepping on a bathroom scale and weighing each box.. All together the hives weighed 350 pounds. It looks like a good year for honey.
Going up to the garden has been such a great family activity this year. Jacob likes to play in the dirt with his trucks and Oli is a great helper by doing things such as entertaining Henry, getting water for everyone, and picking berries and onions. It is fun to work together as a family. This is the first year that I haven't spent most of my time entertaining fussy kids or trying to work with a giant pregnant belly. It feels great to actually be able to finish weeding a row.
Of course, we also have our little garden in our backyard. So far we've eaten a few small tomaotes (stupice variety), lots of swiss chard, green beans, lettuces, and carrots, as well as cherries from our cherry tree. The strawberries and spinach finished about a month ago and the raspberries and peas just finished. It is amazing what you can grow in a small space!
Friday, July 1, 2011
When I was One, I had just begun
When I was Two, I was nearly new
When I was Three, I was hardly Me
When I was Four, I was not much more
When I was Five, I was just alive
But now I am Six, I'm as clever as clever. So I think I'll be six now for ever and ever.
Poem by A. A. Milne
When I was Two, I was nearly new
When I was Three, I was hardly Me
When I was Four, I was not much more
When I was Five, I was just alive
Poem by A. A. Milne
Now That I'm One
•I can walk and even run. I can climb stairs.
•I can say "mama," "na-na" (meaning nurse or any kind of food), "ow" (which I learned during a biting stage), and "ah-ooo" (which is just something I like to say)
•I prefer to be with mommy.
•I think Oli is hilarious.
•I've learned to drive a toy truck around like Jake
•My deepest unfulfilled desires are to push the buttons on the phone and pull the cat's tail.
•I smile at almost everyone.
•I really like playing in the bathtub and playing outside.
•I can say "mama," "na-na" (meaning nurse or any kind of food), "ow" (which I learned during a biting stage), and "ah-ooo" (which is just something I like to say)
•I prefer to be with mommy.
•I think Oli is hilarious.
•I've learned to drive a toy truck around like Jake
•My deepest unfulfilled desires are to push the buttons on the phone and pull the cat's tail.
•I smile at almost everyone.
•I really like playing in the bathtub and playing outside.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
This is How Rumors Get Started
We were all laying around the house on a hot summer day.
S: What should we do?
N: Let's get out of the house.
S: (mishearing) We should buy a new house?
O: We're moving? I don't want to move.
J: We're buying a house?
A few minutes pass
J:Where's my suitcase mom?
S: What should we do?
N: Let's get out of the house.
S: (mishearing) We should buy a new house?
O: We're moving? I don't want to move.
J: We're buying a house?
A few minutes pass
J:Where's my suitcase mom?
Monday, May 9, 2011
My Sweet Girl
Every mother should have a five year-old girl on Mother's Day. Olivia's class made gifts for their mom's on Mother's Day and she was so excited to give me my present. When I went to pick her up at school on Friday she came walking out the door with a decorated pot and marigold plant. When she saw me, she had the sweetest, happy, hopeful look on her face. It broke my heart! It's still broken. All day Saturday she was looking forward to Sunday. On Sunday morning as soon as she woke up I heard her get a something out of her drawer and she came in to my room with her card and a drawing she had made. It was so touching that she was so excited for a holiday that didn't have anything to do with her. She is a wonderful girl.
Don't You Dare
Jacob is at a great age right now. You have to watch what you say however. One day I must have said, "don't you dare." As in, "Nathan don't you dare till up the boulevard," or maybe it was, "Nathan, don't you dare tear down the garage to expand your garden space." Whatever it was, it is now Jacob's favorite expression. And he says it with gusto. Usually it's, "don't you dare change my diaper." And frankly, I would prefer not to dare but sometimes it does have to happen.
An Afternoon at Our House
After a day of rain, the children and I went out to play in the backyard. My little Henry, seeing the sandbox, which had now become a pool, crawled right in. Okay, I thought, he's already dirty, might as well let him play. So he spent a happy half hour splashing muddy water and attempting to chew on sticks and rocks. In the meantime, my little Jacob, had to change his shirt because he was blowing bubbles and a bubble popped on his shirt, making it "dirty."
After awhile, Henry started to look like a muddy little piggy so I decided to take him in and give him a bath in the kitchen sink. I tried to get his clothes off while he tried to un-pot a plant, drink someone else's orange juice, and fling various things off the kitchen counter. Finally, I got him in the sink, sprayed him off with the hose (very handy) which he loved, and got him dressed again. All that fun must have been tiring because he promptly fell asleep.
After awhile, Henry started to look like a muddy little piggy so I decided to take him in and give him a bath in the kitchen sink. I tried to get his clothes off while he tried to un-pot a plant, drink someone else's orange juice, and fling various things off the kitchen counter. Finally, I got him in the sink, sprayed him off with the hose (very handy) which he loved, and got him dressed again. All that fun must have been tiring because he promptly fell asleep.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Ah, Spring!
It rained and brown gave way to green! We've been enjoying being outside all week. On Sunday, Oli, Henry, and I went around the lake. On our way home, out of the beautiful blue sky, there was the longest rumble of thunder I've ever heard and then hail.
Painful hail! Oli was riding her bike and screaming at the same time. I was running with Henry in the stroller, trying to make it home. A neighbor offered to let us stand on her porch until it was over. It probably lasted three minutes, but it was a long three minutes.
Its been nice to be out in the backyard. Jacob and I planted some peas and he is very into tending them. Every morning he asks me, "water peas, Mom?" We got some sand for the sand box. Jacob has spent hours filling up his dump truck. We're trying to learn to keep sand in the sand box but between Jacob and his dump truck and Henry the sand eater, we're going to be buying a new bag of sand next week.
Painful hail! Oli was riding her bike and screaming at the same time. I was running with Henry in the stroller, trying to make it home. A neighbor offered to let us stand on her porch until it was over. It probably lasted three minutes, but it was a long three minutes.
Its been nice to be out in the backyard. Jacob and I planted some peas and he is very into tending them. Every morning he asks me, "water peas, Mom?" We got some sand for the sand box. Jacob has spent hours filling up his dump truck. We're trying to learn to keep sand in the sand box but between Jacob and his dump truck and Henry the sand eater, we're going to be buying a new bag of sand next week.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Time is moving too fast. We had lots going on this month. We started some seeds - pepper and tomatoes. I've been taking them out to the greenhouse each morning and bringing them in at night as its been below freezing at night. We had some chicks hatch. We kept nine Auracaunas. We keep dreaming about our little farm in the country but right now there is not even a property on the market to dream about...very unsatisfying!
The little guy got an ear infection which did not go away with the first round of antibiotics. At the same time he got six teeth! There has been much crying, to say the least.
At the same time I have been forced to read "Rotten Ralph" and his many adventures to the older two way too many times. Ralph is a naughty cat who never listens to his owner. I'm a little concerned about our many readings of Rotten Ralph as Ralph never seems to make things right at the end of the story. Perhaps I'm over-analyzing. I'm all Ralphed out. I'm also Thomas-ed out. I think we need to get outside. Spring come soon!
The little guy got an ear infection which did not go away with the first round of antibiotics. At the same time he got six teeth! There has been much crying, to say the least.
At the same time I have been forced to read "Rotten Ralph" and his many adventures to the older two way too many times. Ralph is a naughty cat who never listens to his owner. I'm a little concerned about our many readings of Rotten Ralph as Ralph never seems to make things right at the end of the story. Perhaps I'm over-analyzing. I'm all Ralphed out. I'm also Thomas-ed out. I think we need to get outside. Spring come soon!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Bits and Pieces
1.)Oli made me a card and stuck little "neat" stickers on it. "Because I know you like the house neat," she said. Finally, someone noticed!
2.)Jacob has started talking in complete sentences. He's growing up!
3.)I (think) I feel a little tooth poking through Henry's gums. I think this is the latest that any of the kids have gotten a tooth. On the other side of the spectrum, Oli is anxiously waiting to lose her first tooth.
4.)I finished a knitting project before the intended recipient outgrew it. Now how did the woman at the knitting store know I should make a 12 month size when I said I wanted to knit a sweater for my one month old baby?
He's doing his "puppy face" which his sister taught him to do. It came in handy when he caught a cold and couldn't breathe through his nose.
5.)Henry really likes to have mama in sight at all times which means the only way I can get anything done around here is to put him in the backpack. If I don't wear a hat he pulls my hair out one strand at a time. Good times!
2.)Jacob has started talking in complete sentences. He's growing up!
3.)I (think) I feel a little tooth poking through Henry's gums. I think this is the latest that any of the kids have gotten a tooth. On the other side of the spectrum, Oli is anxiously waiting to lose her first tooth.
4.)I finished a knitting project before the intended recipient outgrew it. Now how did the woman at the knitting store know I should make a 12 month size when I said I wanted to knit a sweater for my one month old baby?
He's doing his "puppy face" which his sister taught him to do. It came in handy when he caught a cold and couldn't breathe through his nose.
5.)Henry really likes to have mama in sight at all times which means the only way I can get anything done around here is to put him in the backpack. If I don't wear a hat he pulls my hair out one strand at a time. Good times!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Henry was baptized at the Saturday evening mass. It was wonderful. When Father Becker was speaking about the meaning of baptism during the service, Henry looked right at him and smiled. When everyone applauded after he was baptized, Henry looked around with a look of surprise. Even since, whenever he hears clapping, he is quite sure it is for him.
In a meditation I was reading before Henry's baptism I came upon this quote which is actually from the Catechism of the Catholic church, "Baptism seals the Christian with the indelible spiritual mark (character) of his belonging to Christ." I also think of the verse from Jeremiah 31:33 which says "I will put my law within them, I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God and they shall be my people." I hope Henry will always be able to sense God with his heart.
Afterwards we had a fun party at our house with all the grandparents, great-grandpa, and aunts and uncles. Father Becker even came over. Nathan made puerco pibil which was delicious and I made a strawberry cake.
In a meditation I was reading before Henry's baptism I came upon this quote which is actually from the Catechism of the Catholic church, "Baptism seals the Christian with the indelible spiritual mark (character) of his belonging to Christ." I also think of the verse from Jeremiah 31:33 which says "I will put my law within them, I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God and they shall be my people." I hope Henry will always be able to sense God with his heart.
Afterwards we had a fun party at our house with all the grandparents, great-grandpa, and aunts and uncles. Father Becker even came over. Nathan made puerco pibil which was delicious and I made a strawberry cake.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
In preparation for my giant housecleaning extravaganza for Henry's baptism dinner (housecleaning sounds more fun if you call it an extravaganza, don't you think?) we went out to Menards on Saturday night. Driving home we spotted the ice skating rink at Lake Park and after a quick run home for snow gear, decided to do some skating. As Oli said on the way home, it was a perfect night. It was in the thirties and we were the only people skating. We even got Jacob (who hates anything that might possibly be dangerous) to put on some skates. He only lasted a few minutes but once he had his boots back on he spent a happy half-hour standing on a pile of snow declaring, "I'm on a mountain!" Olivia is a fearless skater and even though she still falls fairly often it doesn't stop her from practically running on the ice in her skates sometimes. Even Henry seemed to enjoy the not-too-cold night air. All in all, a perfect night!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Ow Ow Wonder
Henry started crawling this week much to his brother's consternation. "Enny's eating toys!" "Mom, nurse Enny!" The latter was to prevent Henry from eating Jacob's toys. Sorry, kid, I have my limits.
Jacob is becoming more verbal each day. For a few weeks, every time we would drive down Broadway near downtown, Jacob would repeat a word over and over. I could never understand what he was saying until finally one day it dawned on me that it was "castle." And it's true, there are several stone churches with large turrets and spires that do look like castles. The world is magical when you're two!
I love how Jacob sings. He has his own version of each song which is different from the real version though every once in a while he throws in an actual word. He has his own version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star which we can all sing just like Jacob now.
Jacob is becoming more verbal each day. For a few weeks, every time we would drive down Broadway near downtown, Jacob would repeat a word over and over. I could never understand what he was saying until finally one day it dawned on me that it was "castle." And it's true, there are several stone churches with large turrets and spires that do look like castles. The world is magical when you're two!
I love how Jacob sings. He has his own version of each song which is different from the real version though every once in a while he throws in an actual word. He has his own version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star which we can all sing just like Jacob now.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Seven Months
Seven months is such a great age! Henry has reached the "stuck under the couch" stage. He is figuring out how to move around but mostly he goes backwards. He's saying his first real sound, "da, da, da," though he doesn't know what it means yet. He's a smiley happy guy but his sister gets the best smiles and laughs from him. She knows just the kind of goofiness a baby likes. Jacob calls him "Enny" and will come by and put a truck in his hand if he's crying. Henry loves toys and when he gets an unfamiliar one, he likes to examine it from all angles. He loves to eat. We can hardly spoon the baby food in fast enough!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Everyday Things
"The things we see every day are the things we never see at all."
-G.K. Chesterson
This journal is my project to capture some of the everyday moments that make up our life.
-G.K. Chesterson
This journal is my project to capture some of the everyday moments that make up our life.
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