Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"I Go"

Henry put two words together today.  "I go." He said it as he made a controlled fall off the toy shelf onto the couch. And then he did it five more times. I know I should have stopped him but it was really cute.  He's very into "going."  He uses that word a lot.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Its Been Awhile!

Things have been busy.  Most of my free time the last few weeks has been spent on writing a research paper on autism for a grad class I'm taking.  The paper came together really fast.  Fastest twenty page paper I've ever written!   Or so I thought until I went to print it out two hours before it was due.  Somehow, I had written it in 14 point font.  Suddenly my paper was down to 13 pages!  After a brief period of freaking out, and a brief period of trying to add some things to the paper while wearing a screaming, hair-pulling Henry in the baby backpack and getting it up to fourteen and a half pages, I decided I had to just let it go.  So I did and I turned it in and haven't thought a thing about it since.

NT has been busy running a science club at two elementaries, teaching an extra class, and taking the children on "walnut walks."  A walnut walk is where you search the neighborhood for walnut trees, climb the trees, shake them, and collect the walnuts.  We learned that walnut husks stain everything, including your skin.  There's also a whole process to removing the husk, drying the nuts, etc.  Somehow the washing machine has been put into use for this project.

Isn't this lovely?  It's what I'm planning on getting at the end of walnut season.

Its only a mere 1k.  I mean, think about all the money we're saving on walnuts!

Oli enjoys first grade.  She even rides the bus.  It's strange putting your child on a bus and watching it pull away.  The first few days she looked a little panicked as it pulled away and yes, I did follow the bus to school on the first day. She did fine and doesn't seem to mind it.   In fact, she has two older girls who watch out for her, which is very sweet.

Jake turned three though I think that deserves a post of its own.  Coming soon!

Henry, oh Henry.  I say that a lot.  Henry is one busy boy!  He's added some words to his vocabulary like, "oh geez" (his favorite thing to say), "Owie" (Oli), "mommy", "daddy", "eow" (meow, used for all animals), and "uh oh."  He also body surfs but only after he's dumped something out (crayons, walnuts, whatever).  He lays down in the crayon pile, waves his arms around, and rolls around in it while laughing.  He keeps me on my toes, that's for sure!