Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ow Ow Wonder

Henry started crawling this week much to his brother's consternation.  "Enny's eating toys!"  "Mom, nurse Enny!"  The latter was to prevent Henry from eating Jacob's toys.  Sorry, kid, I have my limits.

Jacob is becoming more verbal each day.  For a few weeks, every time we would drive down Broadway near downtown, Jacob would repeat a word over and over.  I could never understand what he was saying until finally one day it dawned on me that it was "castle."  And it's true, there are several stone churches with large turrets and spires that do look like castles.  The world is magical when you're two!

 I love how Jacob sings.  He has his own version of each song which is different from the real version though every once in a while he throws in an actual word.  He has his own version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star which we can all sing just like Jacob now.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Seven Months

Seven months is such a great age!  Henry has reached the "stuck under the couch" stage.  He is figuring out how to move around but mostly he goes backwards.  He's saying his first real sound, "da, da, da," though he doesn't know what it means yet.  He's a smiley happy guy but his sister gets the best smiles and laughs from him.  She knows just the kind of goofiness a baby likes.  Jacob calls him "Enny" and will come by and put a truck in his hand if he's crying.  Henry loves toys and when he gets an unfamiliar one, he likes to examine it from all angles. He loves to eat.  We can hardly spoon the baby food in fast enough!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Everyday Things

"The things we see every day are the things we never see at all."
-G.K. Chesterson

This journal is my project to capture some of the everyday moments that make up our life.